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Former Group Members

Ph.D. Students

  • Vinh T. Nguyen Ph.D. 2023, left for a postdoc at the Savannah River National Laboratory, in Aiken, SC.

  • Mario N. Cosio Ph.D. 2023, with Prof. David Powers (co-advised by Oleg), left for a position with Boulder Scientific Co.

  • S. Olivia Gunther Ph.D. 2022, left for a postdoc position at LBNL.

  • Ming-Uei Hung Ph.D. 2021, left for a position with TSMC in Taiwan.

  • Yihan Cao Ph.D. 2021, left for a position with ExxonMobil in Shanghai, China.

  • Qingheng Lai Ph.D. 2020, left for a postdoc with Prof. Tobin Marks at Northwestern University.

  • Yanwu Shao M.S. 2020, Process Engineer at eJoule International Ltd.

  • Brandy Adolph 2018-2020, currently a Product Development Chemist at Integrity Bio-Chem.

  • Chang-Han (Andy) Yu Ph.D. 2020, left for a postdoc in Dr. Tiow-Gan Ong's lab at Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

  • Bryan Foley Ph.D. 2020, left for a postdoc at the Savannah River National Laboratory, in Aiken, SC.

  • Alex Kosanovich Ph.D. 2019, took a position with Dow, in Lake Jackson, TX.

  • Chris Pell Ph.D. 2017, left for a position at Intel Corporation, in Portland, Oregon.

  • Wei-Chun Shih Ph.D. 2017, now works with Universal Displays.

  • Loren Press Ph.D. 2016, departed for a position at Entegris.

  • Chandra Palit Ph.D. 2016, left for a position at Intel Corporation, in Portland, Oregon.

  • Soomin Park left the Ozerov group to join the Nippe group in Fall 2015.

  • Patrick Hubbard left the Ozerov group to join the Bleumel group in Fall 2015.

  • Jessica C. DeMott Ph.D. 2015, now works for Arkema.

  • Chun-I Lee Ph.D. 2015, now works for Dupont in Taiwan.

  • Rodrigo Ramirez Ph.D. 2014, departed for a position with the Max Planck Institute in Germany.

  • Sam Timpa Ph.D. 2014, departed for a position with BASF, regional division in Pittsburgh, PA.

  • Jillian Davidson Ph.D. 2014, departed for a position with NALCO Champion, a division of Ecolab.

  • Jose Veleta left the Ozerov group in Summer 2014 to pursue other interests.

  • Chelsea Mandell left the Ozerov group in Spring 2014 to pursue other interests.

  • Rafael Huacuja Ph.D. 2013, departed for a position at Dow Chemical in Freeport, TX.

  • Christina Brammell M.S. 2012, departed for a chemistry teaching position at Clear Springs High School in League City, TX.

  • Yanjun Zhu Ph.D. 2011, departed for a position as Process Scientist at Momentive in Tarrytown, NY.

  • Weixing Gu Ph.D. 2011, departed for a postdoc at Northwestern University under Dr. Tobin Marks, currently works for Clariant Catalysts in China.

  • Claudia Fafard Ph.D. 2009, departed for a postdoc at Brandeis University with Prof. Christine Thomas, currently works for Air Liquide in Delaware.

  • Alyson Christopher M.S. 2007, departed for a position at the Cabot Corp.

  • Wei Weng Ph.D. 2006, departed for a postdoc with Prof. Rich Jordan at the University of Chicago, currently works for the Danaher Corp.

  • Lei Fan Ph.D. 2006, departed for a postdoc under Prof. Hicham Fenniri at the University of Alberta, currently works for Hinova Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in Chengdu, China.

  • Sophia White M.S. 2006, departed for a teaching position at Somerville High School and also Adjunct Instructor at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

  • Slava Papkov M.S. 2004, departed for a position with U.S. Genomics, now PathoGenetix.


  • Morgan MacInnis 2011-2013, left for a postdoc at the University of Alberta in Edmonton under Dr. Rylan Lundgren, now at Dupont Displays.

  • Jia Zhou 2011-2012, professor at Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen campus), China.

  • Dave Herbert 2009-2011, left for a postdoc at Caltech under Dr. Theo Agapie, now a professor at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg (Herbert Group Website).

  • Dan Smith 2009-2011, left for a postdoc at University of East Anglia under Prof. Manfred Bochmann, now a research scientist at CatSci, Ltd., in Wales.

  • Justin Walensky 2010, professor and department chair at the University of Missouri-Columbia (Walensky Group Website).

  • Panida Surawatanawong 2009, an associate professor at Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand (Faculty Webpage).

  • Deborha Bacciu 2007.

  • C. M. Nagaraja 2007-2008, an associate professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Ropar (Nagaraja Group Website).

  • Chris Douvris 2007-2008, an associate professor at New York Tech (Faculty Webpage).

  • Sylvain Gatard 2005-2007, left for ATER position at Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, je then started work as a Maître de Conférences at the University of Reims in 2008.

  • Mason Haneline 2006-2007, technical development manager at Neo Chemicals & Oxides.

  • Guolin Xu 2006, scientist and group leader at Millipore Sigma.

  • Remle Çelenligil-Çetin 2003-2004, currently a chemistry teacher at Churchville-Chili Senior High School in Rochester, NY.

Undergraduate Students

  • Thomas Suarez 2022 REU, Florida State University Class of 2024.

  • Tenjing Sherpa 2022 REU, Ithaca College Class of 2023.

  • Patricio Castillo TAMU class of 2020, now works for the city of Houston.

  • Ashley Braaksma 2019 REU, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, now a grad student at TAMU.

  • Jim Zhang 2017 REU, Carleton College, now a grad student at Standford.

  • Aldo Jordan 2017 REU, UT El Paso, now a grad student at UNC and a NSF Fellow.

  • Benjamin Morse 2016 REU, Ithaca College Class of 2017, now a research scientist at Ecolectro, Inc.

  • Reid McCorkle TAMU class of 2015.

  • Chan Park TAMU class of 2014, Ph.D. from Purdue.

  • Samantha Yruegas TAMU class of 2014, Ph.D. from Baylor, now an assistant professor at Rice (Yruegas Group Website).

  • Nathanael (Nate) Hirscher Summer Research 2013, UVa class of 2014, Ph.D. from Caltech, now an assistant professor at Montclair State (Hirscher Group Website).

  • John Dekarske 2013 REU, Hampden Sydney College class of 2014, Ph.D. from UVa, now a senior scientist at Savannah River National Lab.

  • Melissa Schumacher 2012 REU, Washington & Jefferson College class of 2013, now a Research Technologist at St. Jude Hospital.

  • Chris Pell 2011 REU, SUNY Plattsburgh class of 2012, Texas A&M Ph.D. 2017, now employed at Intel.

  • Adam Miller 2010 REU, Bloomsburg University class of 2012, now a grad student at Indiana.

  • Aaron Hollas TAMU class of 2010, UC Irvine Ph.D. 2016, now at PNNL.

  • Dan Graham Brandeis University class of 2010, Harvard Ph.D. 2015, now a scientist at Oakwood Chemical.

  • Sam Timpa 2008 REU, TAMU Ph.D. 2014, departed for a position with BASF, regional division in Pittsburgh, PA.

  • Emily Pelton 2007 REU, Gustavus Adolphus College class of 2008, U of Minnesota Ph.D. 2013, now a lecturer at U of Minnesota.

  • Shannon Finnell 2006 REU, U of Oregon class of 2007, now a staff writer for Eugene Weekly.

  • Shelly Regev Brandeis University class of 2007.

  • Anna Volftsun Brandeis University class of 2006, Harvard J.D., now a lawyer in NY.

  • Jenn-Tyng Chern Brandeis University class of 2004, Seton Hall U J.D., now a lawyer in NY and NJ.

  • Shoshanna Barnett Brandeis University B.A./M.S. 2008, U of Washington Ph.D. 2013, now a software engineer at GDMS-Viz.

  • Mayank Puri Brandeis University B.A./M.S. 2008, U of Minnesota Ph.D. 2016, now a professor at Rose State College (Faculty Webpage).

  • Laura Gerber Brandeis University B.A./M.S. 2007, MIT Ph.D. 2013, now a scientist at Sila Nanotechnologies, Inc.

  • Lauren Gregor Brandeis University B.S. 2006, Boston U Ph.D. 2014, now a postdoc with Prof. Miller at UNC.

  • Valerie Scott Brandeis University B.S. 2005, Caltech Ph.D. 2011, now a Nano and Micro Systems Engineer at JPL/NASA.


  • Jorge Garduño Winter 2019, research student from UNAM, now a professor at CIQ UAEM in Mexico (Faculty Webpage).

  • Elynna Youm 2009-2011, Harmony Science Academy class of 2011. B.A. from WUSTL and currently in the medical genetics Ph.D. program at U of Pittsburgh.

  • Alyssa Young Summer 2009

  • Baofei Pan Spring 2008

  • Anthony Fernandez 2006-2007 sabbatical visitor from Merrimack College.

Administrative Staff

  • Doris Maduka Administrative Assistant from 2009-2010, when she left to pursue Master's Degree.

  • Linda Redd Administrative Assistant from Jan. 2011 to Dec. 2015 when she retired.



Dr. Oleg Ozerov

Department of Chemistry

Texas A&M University

P.O. Box 30012

College Station, TX 77842-3012

979-845-6870 |

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